Unboxing Boreas Bos1901 Devkit - How to use it

The best tool to evaluate piezo haptics
Designed to support your development process, the BOS1901-Kit combines two BOS1901 high-voltage piezoelectric drivers compatible with a wide range of piezo actuators. The BOS1901, with CapDriveTM technology has the lowest power consumption, lowest latency and smallest footprint on the market. It is also the first single-IC solution able to both sense and drive piezoelectric actuators with a voltage up to 190 Vpp; making it easy to implement interactive haptic experience for applications such as button replacement.
The standard USB audio protocol implemented on the BOS1901-Kit makes it appear as a normal audio output to any computer, thus simplifying greatly waveform prototyping and playback on the kit. The two channels also ease the prototyping of localized or more complex haptic solutions.
The BOS1901-Kit has been designed to provide a plug-and-play experience to first-time users while enabling advanced designers to test all possible configurations of the BOS1901.
Click on this link to order a Devkit.
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